Thursday, September 23, 2010

6 photos

This a photo i have taken in Ecuador in the streets. It shows the the city of Quito which is the capital. The photo changes depending on where you start looking at it. If it is from the top to bottom you get the packed houses all together all the way down to the taxi coming at you or the opposite from the other way. The somewhat empty street to the tons of houses on the mountain side.
I took this shot of my friend when he was not looking. It was an older camera and was in sepia mode when it was shot so thats why it has that tone. I just love how you dont really see him at first because he matches in with the tree at first. The lines and the color just make it for me. It was a cool tree with low branches that made it easy to climb. My friend will always put on a face or ruin the picture if he knows it is being taken so to have him really just sitting and thinking is nice because though it may seem posed it is very natural.

This is another photo I have taken. This is a Galapagos sea lion. I was very fortunate to visit the Galapagos Islands and this is one of many photos taken. It is amazing how close you can get to animals. I love this because, this little guy seemed to just turn his head and pose for me.

This is another image I have taken. There is no photoshop done. This is a long exposure of a street lamp and the moon. You can see the lamp post if you give it a second look. I like how it looks like the sun and the moon are together in one shot.

This is a photo i took of the Tiffany lights at Ellis Island. These are some of the few original parts that have not been stolen or destroyed mainly because they were to high. I like it because of all of the lines and circles. It shows tells the history of our past and sometimes to look up. Not many people really look at the lights.

This photo was taken by Dr Harold Edgerton. I love how he was able to get a shot like this by using a strobe light. It is also said that he was able to achieve 1/1,000,000,000 of a second exposure. He is known for his famous shot making apple sauce or shooting cards, and his milk drops. It shows the movement of a golfer every step of the way and what it looks like in hitting a ball. I just like how you can see every step of the way. I have always wanted to take a photo like this but could never get

1 comment:

  1. I think you are almost there with the first one the houses are crowded on that hill the street is empty both good details to notice but when you put them together is there a greater meaning in the picture? does it for instance say something about over crowding?

    Also try and stick to things that are visible in the picture like the chandelier what in the picture would let us as viewers know it was at ellis island and stuff has been pillaged and this an original tiffany chandelier?
